Ubiquiti UniFi setup(test):
UniFi Security Gateway(USG) + Cloud Key(UC-CK):
1. Reset USG. Default IP:, DHCP enabled.
2. Set Cloud Key to DHCP.
Ubiquiti UniFi setup(test):
UniFi Security Gateway(USG) + Cloud Key(UC-CK):
1. Reset USG. Default IP:, DHCP enabled.
2. Set Cloud Key to DHCP.
Email address of an AT&T mobile number:
MOBILE-NUMBER@txt.att.net (no good): for text only, unable to get the email address of the sender, the sender would be a random number. Ex: 1(410)xxx-xxx
MOBILE-NUMBER@mms.att.net (good): able to send text and graphics, would be able to see sender's email address.
Notes for Arduino IDE on MacOS(Catalina):
1. Getting message while uploading wifiscan to ESP32 board:
open /Users/YOUR_NAME/Documents/Arduino/hardware: operation not permitted
Solution: give Arduino IDE Full Disk Access
Note: The new full path is: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open\Command
Available Setup Flags for Intel SetupRST.EXE (AHCI):
Example: SetupRST -A -P c:\intelrst
-? The installer presents a dialog showing all the supported setup flags (shown here) and their usage, then quits without installing.
-A Extracts driver and readme files (does not install driver) to <path> if -P is also supplied; otherwise, the files are extracted to the default location.
Note: FAT32 format support up to 32GB, if USB memory over 32GB refer to following DISKPART command to set the size of partition.
create partition primary size=32000
1. Extract all data in ISO file into C:\ISO
2. Use Diskpart to create USB memory in GPT.
換新電腦時, 移植聯絡人自動補齊功能從舊電腦. 此功能目前在Outlook 2013/2016成功.
1. Disable "hide system file" feature.
2. Browse to below location in old PC.
* 開啟雙擊螢幕開啟/關閉LCD
1. 雙擊開啟: 設定--> 顯示--> 輕觸以喚醒.
2. 雙擊關閉: 應用程式-->螢幕頂端右方的三個點-->設定--> 輕觸兩次以進入睡眠.
使用 Google 雲端硬碟或 Dropbox 儲存空間保存內容及設定. 可備份及還原的內容:
個人化設定-- HTC BlinkFeed 的摘要來源, 小工具, 桌布, 主畫面配置和鈴聲.
帳號及密碼-- HTC 備份可儲存許多常用的電子郵件和社交網路帳號的登入憑證, 例如 Exchange ActiveSync, Outlook.com 和 POP/IMAP.
應用程式及設定-- 包括 HTC One 內儲存的聯絡人, 簡訊, 通話記錄, 我的最愛, 個人字典, Wi-Fi 網路, 安裝的免費應用程式, 應用程式畫面的排列方式和排序方式, 還有其他設定等.