Available Setup Flags for Intel SetupRST.EXE (AHCI):

Example: SetupRST -A -P c:\intelrst

-?                       The installer presents a dialog showing all the supported setup flags (shown here) and their usage, then quits without installing. 
-A                       Extracts driver and readme files (does not install driver) to <path> if -P is also supplied; otherwise, the files are extracted to the default location.
-B                      The installer will automatically reboot without prompting after the installation completes. This is only applicable when used with the -s switch.
-l <LCID>           Forces a particular language install (See section 3 for a table mapping <LCID> to language).
-Noicc                Does not install Intel(R) Control Center.
-Nodrv               Does not install Intel(R) RST driver.
-NoIRSTGUI     Does not create a start menu shortcut for the  UI console. Using this switch also disables Intel(R) CC installation. Intel(R) CC is not removed if it is already installed.
-Noservice        Does not install the Event Monitor Service. This means that UI components also do not get installed.
-Notray             Prevents the monitor applet from launching on every reboot.
-Overwrite        The installer will downgrade without interaction from the user.
-P <path>         Changes default directory location for application files and supplies target path when combined with -A flag.                
-report <path>  Changes the default log path.
-S                     Silent install (no user prompts or Intel RST user interface display). If used in combination with -B, the installer will automatically reboot.
-ver                  Displays driver versions.

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